

Underground lies a serum that can cure a deadly virus that decimated our world as we know it.  Your search party comes across what appears to be a secret vault.  Little do you know, entering this passage, means you’ll be taking on this mission that could save...


You know that famous saying – YOLO – You Only Live Once? Well that’s not actually true. The truth is, you only die once. You’re living everyday. But are you really living? You wake up. Eat. Work. Sleep then repeat this over and over and over...


The great Hyde Circus was once an exciting and jaw dropping show but now, there are no ticket sales, crowds or queues. As the new Director, you’ve heard rumours of foul play so you sneak into the performers trailer to find out what could be going on. Is the...
Mexican Cartel

Mexican Cartel

You’re a high ranking member of the powerful Mexican Cartel but when a deal goes south, the rival Cartel starts kidnapping your men. Your boss sends you back to his house to get his passports to move his family and flee the country. As you arrive, you get ambushed and...
Insane Asylum

Insane Asylum

Rumour has it that there was a man who miraculously broke free from his locked cell years ago, never to be seen again. On the cusp of the seventieth year since the man broke free, strange things have been happening inside the hospital’s walls. Doctors have called in...